The world’s largest tractor Big Bud 747

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What is the largest tractor in the world?

The tractor is an indispensable for cultivating fields.

Nowadays, to improve efficiency, it is becoming huge year by year.


Meanwhile, in this world, there is a massive tractor exist which may cultivate asphalt road!

(゚∀゚)Is it terrorism?


This article would like to introduce the largest tractor in the world.


The tractor, emits exhaust gas a lot!


The specs of this tractor are,


Height: 4.3 meters

Length : 8.69 meters

Width: 4.06 meters

Weight: 68 tons


As big as a monster truck!

(2-5 times bigger than a normal tractor (;’∀’)


Too small (; ´∀ `)


The size is difficult to turn in the small field of Grandpa’s house.


The name of the tractor is


Big Bud 747


Sounds like so strong!


It has 960 horsepower, which is equivalent to two Ferraris.

(;’∀’)looks like it can cultivate anything.


This Big Bud 747 was made in 1977 at a factory in Hubbar, Montana, USA.

It was designed by a person named Wilbur Hensler and created by Ron Harmon and an employee of his manufacturing company.


(´Д`)The cost was about 300,000 dollars.


Rossi Brothers was the first to buy this tractor after it was manufactured.

Used for 11 years by a cotton farmer’s company that grows cotton in Bakersfield and Old River, California locations.

rossi brothers

Rossi Brothers cotton ↑

These tractors are cute


Sometimes they are doing a tractor race

(・∀・)looks fun!



Later, it was purchased and used by a farmer in Indialantic, Florida called Willowbrook Farms, and was also used by Robert and Randy Williams.

(´Д `) I think it’s very efficient on an American size farm.


However, due to the bankruptcy of Canada’s The United Tire Company, which makes tires with a diameter of 2.4 meters for this tractor, in July 2009, the use of this Big Bud 747 was stopped.

It is currently exhibited at the Heartland Museum, in Clarion, Iowa.

(゜ ∀ ゜) It seems to be certified by Guinness soon

Heartland Museum

↑ Heartland Museum


Heartland Museum2

↑ There are various tractors and military vehicles.


↑ Big Bud 747 is placed.


Those who want to see the strongest tractor can see it for

adults $ 12,

children $ 6,

and under 5 years old for free.


You can also see the teddy bear museum!


Heartland Museum Address: 119 9th St SW, Clarion, IA 50525 United States

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