source : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jn1wlc/19727858.html
The most expensive ramen in the world
Cheap, expensive, delicious and extremely spicy.
There are many types of ramen exist in the world.
(・∀・)Soy sauce ramen is delicious, isn’t it?
In those, there is the most expensive ramen!
This article would like to introduce the most expensive ramen in the world.

source : https://www.rankingshare.jp/rank/bkzsxgbczd/detail/7
This golden ramen, the price is…
$500!(the current price)
(´Д`)What a price
The reason why it is so expensive is that high-class ingredients are used for the ramen noodle.
The noodles are made from the finest shark fin that can be obtained in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, and the ingredients are the finest abalone and sirloin steak.
(´_ゝ`)It must be delicious!

source : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q14144025939
What is the finest is this shark fin, which is a shark called basking shark, and the surprising price is 1 million dollars for just one piece.
Basking shark has the finest fiber in shark fin, so it is said to be the most delicious ramen noodle.

source : http://maruhei.blog.eonet.jp/kampou/2007/12/post-9adf.html
(゚∀゚)Basking shark shark fin ↑ looks strong!
Char siu is thoroughly soaked in a special sauce for 3 days.

source : http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ochitann1021/12847370.html
The restaurant that offers this shark fin ramen is Shofukumon, a Cantonese restaurant in Yokohama, Japan.
(・∀・)It’s always crowded because of its popularity

source : https://tabelog.com/kanagawa/A1401/A140105/14000514/
(・∀・)The inside of the restourant is very luxurious
If you are interested, please check↓
Address: 81-3 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
TEL / Reservation: 050-5570-6088
business hours
Weekdays 11: 30-22: 00 (L.O.21: 00)
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 11: 00-22: 00 (L.O.21: 00)
Shark fin ramen is a complete reservation system and is limited to one meal a day.